

The federation is a non-profit, secular, non-partisan, and non-political organization serving educational, social, literary and cultural needs of its member associations. It’s over arching mission is to promote modern education and support students in advancing their professional goals.

Role of the Federation

As an umbrella alumni organization in North America the Federation’s primary role is to:

bullet1 Act as a facilitator and coordinator of activities and programs of educational and cultural interest to the member associations.
bullet1 Develop consensus among member associations.
bullet1 Liaison between member associations and the AMU.
bullet1 Facilitate and foster educational projects jointly with member associations.


Aims and Objectives

1. Closer cooperation and better understanding among member-organizations through:

bullet1 Organization of annual conventions to exchange ideas, advance networking and develop collaborative initiatives.
bullet1 Organization of literary and cultural events including annual mushaira (poetry) events.
bullet1 Collaboration with AMU Alumni Affairs Office to develop collaborative educational initiatives.

2. Promote advancement of AMU and its students by:

bullet1 Providing support in improving the quality of education and research at AMU through collaboration with North American universities.
bullet1 Serving as facilitator for the Aligarh Open University (formerly Summer University)
bullet1 Facilitating student educational development through scholarships and mentoring.
bullet1 Supporting the University’s infrastructure improvement initiatives such as smart classrooms.
bullet1 Fostering Endowment Fund to support student education.